Monday, June 09, 2008

Thunderbolts and lightening! Very, very frightening!

We were welcomed back to Jamaica with thunderous applause... I mean, er, thunder. That's right, our first 2 hours in Jamaica were spent watching torrential rain pour off the roof of the beach bar. But, the good news is:

1) We're here! YEAH MON!
2) And so is our baggage! IRIE!

Much to our relief, we hadn't idealized Jamaica or Negril in our memories. Coming to Jamaica is like being greeted by an old friend. The people are just so darn happy, laid-back and friendly, and not in that sleazy "I'll be nice to you for a while and then ask you for ten dollar" way. We rolled our suitcases out of Montego Bay customs and into the "Couples Lounge"(the meeting area for our resort) and before we were even 25 feet away, were greeted with the genuine smiles of the Couples transportation staff. Many knuckles were bumped in greeting, much "no problem"íng was exchanged, and then we headed to the bar for a glass of the national brew "Red Stripe". Within 2 hours we were checked-into our hotel and sipping Pina Coladas in the rain.

All I have to say to that is, "NO PROBLEM, MON!"

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