Friday, March 06, 2009

They're cooooooooooming!

M&D May 08 111

Today was Mum and Dad's interview at the U.S. Embassy in London for their visa to move to the United States.

It's been 13 months since we originally applied for them to move out here and, from stories we read online and from friends, we were pretty convinced that we were looking at an 18-24 month process. Maybe people have decided to stay put because of the economy because today they were officially approved and will have their paperwork to immigrate on Monday.

This means that, when they get on that plane in April to meet their grandchild, and get their stamps from immigration, they will officially be U.S. residents!

Wow! Woohoo!

Irony of ironies, of course, their house in England still hasn't completely closed sale and they just moved into a furnished apartment last weekend. Had we of known how quickly this was all going to come to pass, they probably would not have needed to move last weekend at all. Oh well. If we had anticipated a sooner timeline and they'd stayed put, they could have been out on the street without a home before the visa came through.

Me, Joss and baby are very excited to have Nanny and Grandad around to watch baby grow up and, of course, to babysit. Hahaha!

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