On Friday night I left Daisy in the hands of Daddy and went out to a friend's house for a CAbi party. I drank two glasses of wine and spent $$ on cute clothes. In short, the weekend started off well.
Meanwhile, Daisy was in a fabulous mood all weekend.
On Saturday, we did our usual thing in the morning - swimming lessons with Daddy - we napped well and then, in the afternoon, we all went over to my parents so Daisy could ride her pink pony.
At 5:30pm, we spruced ourselves up and went out to a local street party event called Folsom Live. Since Mum and Dad had a charity event to attend that same evening, we had our nanny, Brandy come baby-sit for us for a couple of hours. We had never been to Folsom Live before, so we had no idea if we would enjoy it. Since we normally go out for date night and find ourselves checking our watch after an hour, two hours seemed like enough time to check it out and get back for bath, bottle, and bed.
That was until we realized that the entrance fee was $35 each!!!! Drink tickets minimum = $20. Food extra. Baby sitter $40. I can safely say that, with food and parking, we spent $150. That's $75 an hour!
Thankfully, the event was really fun and we will definitely return next year for longer than two hours. (No kidding.)
The minute we walked through the gates, we happened upon an already drunk bar-tender who poured two of the stiffest drinks I think we've tasted in a long time. That started the evening off with a literal buzz. Then we head down the strip to check out the bands on the ten stages, expecting to bop around from one to another during our two hours. That was until we found the 90s tribute band, STT. A little "Groove Is In The Heart" (my old night-club anthem) and we were hooked for the night (or, at least the two hours). All those songs from our 20s left us feeling at both young all over again and incredibly old because, let's face it, most of the songs we were getting giddy over were 10-20 years old themselves. (Argh!)
We started back toward the car, reluctantly, at around 7:15. Unfortunately, when we hit the entrance, the organizers hadn't yet made an "Exit". (Yes, we were leaving that early, it seems.) This led to the first ever episode of me flexing my mummy muscle.
The event staff at the entrance told us to walk around the fence to an area where we'd already been and that we knew was blocked-off and so we told them no, couldn't we just exit through the entrance? They said we could do whatever we wanted but would probably get stopped and turned back by the security guards (because, you know, you really need to keep an eye on who might be leaving without a ticket!) "Well," I said, in my I really don't give a shit what you say tone, "I have a five month old I need to get home to, so they better not stop me!" And with that, I marched right past them, Hubby in tow. We did indeed encounter the security guards, who happened to be holding open the fence for a golf cart. "We're just leaving!" I said, walking past them without so much as a pause and with such purpose that I think they would have been numbskulls to have stopped me.
That's right! Don't you dare try to stand between me and my daughter! I may have a bad hip but I can still kick your ass!
So, we were home by 7:35pm, $150 poorer, a little buzzed, but still able to give Daisy her bath. I finished-up the evening watching a TiVo'd episode of The Vampire Diaries. Ahhh.... Saturday night bliss.
Sunday, Mum and I went shopping for birthday gifts for a 1 year old, a 3 year old, and a 4 year old. What fun!

(The place was packed, it's just everyone's behind the camera)
1 comment:
Groove is in the heart - god, I SO remember that! I will have it in my head now for the rest of the day LOL xxxxxxx
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